Safe Shooters Firearms Academy

      of Reno, Nevada

                    Call: 775-771-0675  e-mail: 

Coaching Services


Coaching Services covers a wide variety of services.  

We can accompany you to a gun store to assist with your handgun purchase. We can help you get to know a new gun. We can improve your marksmanship skills. We can address self-defense shooting and much more.  If you can think up a reason to spend some time with a knowledgeable "gun guy", then you've likely got an idea for a Coaching Session!  

Our range sessions are designed to enhance the students’ knowledge, understanding and application of the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Often referred to as the essentials of shooting, the fundamentals are the necessary building blocks upon which all successful shooting and gun handling is derived.

After a thorough review of the Fundamentals with dry-fire practice and live shooting on the range, we will discuss training opportunities for enhanced pistol skills development. We’ll provide you with Dry-Fire and Range "Skills Drills" to assist you in tracking and improving your progress. 

Cost: $40 per hour covers 1 to 4 students!!  We offer the lowest per-hour fee for private lessons in the area. The minimum lesson time is 2 hours plus a $20 travel charge (so, the minimum charge for 2 hours is $100).